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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Marxism Theory
Marxism is an economic and sociopolitical worldview and method of socioeconomic inquiry that centers upon a materialist interpretation of history, a dialectical view of social change, and an analysis and critique of the development of capitalism. Marxism was pioneered in the early to mid 19th century by two German philosophers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism encompasses Marxian economic theory, a sociological theory and a revolutionary view of social change that has influenced socialist political movements around the world.
The Marxian analysis begins with an analysis of material conditions, taking at its starting point the necessary economic activities required by human society to provide for its material needs. The form of economic organization, or mode of production, is understood to be the basis from which the majority of other social phenomena — including social relations, political and legal systems, morality and ideology — arise (or at the least by which they are greatly influenced). These social relations form the superstructure, of which the economic system forms the base. As the forces of production, most notably technology, improve, existing forms of social organization become inefficient and stifle further progress.
These inefficiencies manifest themselves as social contradictions in society in the form of class struggle. Under the capitalist mode of production, this struggle materializes between the minority who own the means of production (the bourgeoisie), and the vast majority of the population who produce goods and services (the proletariat). Taking the idea that social change occurs because of the struggle between different classes within society who are under contradiction against each other, the Marxist analysis leads to the conclusion that capitalism oppresses the proletariat, the inevitable result being a proletarian revolution.
Marxism views the socialist system as being prepared by the historical development of capitalism. According to Marxism, Socialism is a historical necessity (but not an inevitability [1]). In a socialist society private property in the means of production would be superseded by co-operative ownership. The socialist system would succeed capitalism as humanity's mode of production through worker's revolution. Capitalism according to Marxist theory can no longer sustain the living standards of the population due to its need to compensate for falling rates of profit by driving down wages, cutting social benefits and pursuing military aggression. A socialist economy would not base production on the accumulation of capital, but would instead base production and economic activity on the criteria of satisfying human needs - that is, production would be carried out directly for use.
Eventually, socialism would give way to a communist stage of history: a classless, stateless system based on common ownership and free-access, superabundance and maximum freedom for individuals to develop their own capacities and talents. As a political movement, Marxism advocates the creation of such a society.
A Marxist understanding of history and of society has been adopted by academics studying in a wide range of disciplines, including archaeology, anthropology,[2] media studies,[3] political science, theater, history, sociological theory, art history and theory, cultural studies, education, economics, geography, literary criticism, aesthetics, critical psychology, and philosophy.[4]
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Short of Living
Life sometimes is seen not as easy as turning the palm of the hand ..the intricacies make our lives more meaningful, a life without problems supposing we do not live, sorrow, laughter, crying, restless, confused, scared, happy, angry, in love and heartbreak, it smua things that we experience every day .. suppose a maturation step away ..the more things we feel and experience the trains us to be more mature in facing the challenges of life, just enjoy, feel, do not complain much, and live only what is there will all make you more comfortable and you will be a good JV grateful for what you can .. focus on positive things, do not even think about anything negative that has not happened, the anticipation may be .. but it's not meant to be prejudiced .. all existing governing how we attempt to live as fully as possible so that everything we want in accordance with our expectations of course,and most important is prayer to the creator assured your life will be very qualified, "Begin, live, and END YOUR LIFE WITH SMILE"
Friday, December 2, 2011
Tips menghilangkan komedo secara alami
Pada dasarnya adalah jerawat yang menghiasi wajah dan untuk lebih mengenali jenis komedo yang hinggap di wajah anda ada baiknya mengetahui hal berikut sebelum menghilangkan komedo bahwa jenis jerawat yang satu ini terdiri dari dua jenis. Pertama, komedo yang terbuka (blackhead) terlihat seperti pori-pori yang membesar dan menghitam (yang berwarna hitam tersebut adalah penyumbat pori yang berubah warna karena teroksidasi dengan udara). Kedua, Komedo yang tertutup (whitehead), memiliki kulit yang tumbuh di atas pori-pori yang tersumbat sehingga terlihat seperti tonjolan putih kecil-kecil di bawah kulit.
Penyebab timbulnya komedo ini lebih banyak disebabkan oleh sel-sel kulit mati dan kelenjar minyak yang berlebihan pada kulit. Ini terjadi bila Anda tidak rajin membersihkan kulit wajah sehingga sel-sel kulit mati menumpuk dan minyak di permukaan kulit kemudian menutup sel-sel kulit, lalu terjadilah penyumbatan. Make up dan produk penataan rambut yang mengandung minyak juga dapat memperparah keadaan. Dari berbagai referensi berikut ini saya hadirkan Tips dan Trik Cara menghilangkan Komedo Secara Alami dan Ilmiah.
1. Hindari penggunaan kosmetik berbentuk krim dan minyak yang dapat meningkatkan peluang terjadinya komedo.
2. Berikan wajah Anda uap setidaknya seminggu sekali. Tempatkan wajah Anda di atas mangguk berisi air mendidih agar uap air menyentuh kulit wajah. Untuk mendapatkan uap secara maksimal, tutup kepala Anda dengan handuk. Lalu, gunakan campuran madu dan gula untuk melakukan scrubbing. Cara ini akan menghilangkan komedo sekaligus melembutkan kulit Anda.
3. Pengelupasan merupakan langkah penting untuk menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati. Ini membantu menyingkirkan kulit mati yang menimbun di pori-pori kulit penyebab komedo dan jerawat.4. Bagi pemilik kulit berminyak, cobalah gunakan masker yang berbahan tanah liat guna mengurangi minyak di kulit. Pilih masker yang tidak mengandung mint, peppermint atau bahan penyebab iritasi lain. Lebih baik gunakan bahan yang tak mengandung tambahan aroma.
5. Buatlah masker pembasmi komedo dengan mencampur air jeruk nipis, minyak almond dan gliserin. Oleskan pada wajah selama beberapa menit. Ini tidak hanya akan membantu mengurangi komedo, tetapi juga menyingkirkan noda hitam bekas jerawat pada wajah.6. Lembabkan wajah dengan menempelkan kain basah hangat setiap malam selama 15 menit. Ini akan mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati, kotoran, dan partikel lainnya menyumbat pori-pori. Setelah digunakan, rebus kain dalam air mendidih untuk membunuh kuman dan bakteri.
7. Hangatkan sedikit madu lalu oleskan pada wajah yang berkomedo. Cuci wajah setelah 10 menit. Madu bertindak sebagai pelembab alami sekaligus mengangkat komedo.
Metode – metode diatas bila dilakukan secara konsisten tentu akan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Yang sangat perlu di perhatikan disini jangan pernah mencoba memencet dan mengeluarkan komedo dengan kuku., yang ada kulit wajah bisa terluka dan teriritasi hingga memungkinkan masuknya bakteri dalam kulit jadi gunakanlah cara menghilangkan komedo yang efektif.
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